PSR Activating The Space Bjelovar

PSR Activating The Space Bjelovar

Bjelovar,Croatia 18-25.4.2022
Rijeka,Croatia 15-24.7.2022

Public presentations on the 25.04.2022 and 23.7.2022

A research in which the usual elements we use in dance performance are put into a parallel process to the making of the performance as an independent unity and than later on as an equal choreography partner during performance. We aim to research possible formats of collaboration and share tools used in our work. Laboratory in which all participants contribute with their skills and learn from one another. Procedures, methods are rarely shared by various professions and most often seem to be produced in parallel instead of together as a shared knowledge.

A light designer, stage designer and a composer get together and start developing these three lines next to eachother.The concept is shared among co-creators,but there is an independency in the making and activating ways for these elements to be equal partners in the process and placing those simultaneously in the same room to discover the “clash” or “support” of the movement that is happening.

Light design: Saša Fistrić
Sound design: Marin Zivkovic(in collaboration with different musicians)
Set design:Hrvoje Jelinčić
Local hosts:Nomad dance academy Croatia , @Irma Unušić SHOOMA and Nives Soldičić “Prostor plus”.“
Activating the space” by Nomad Dance Academy Croatia is done through and with collaboration of Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija(Wiithin Nomad Dance Academy network) as a programme line of Life Long Burning.
Public presentation on 22 July 2022


Feedbacks from participants:

Saša Fistrić(light designer):”It was nice to get space and time independent of the stress before the premiere.We had time to exchange thoughts,inspire eachother and try out propositions with my colleagues that I normally don’t necessarily communicate with due to lack of time. »

Marin Zivkovic(music composer): »It was very inspiring to have two very different environments and take some sounds with me from each room we have been in.It is rare to meet other designers and choreographers with  more time to discuss subjects that we gathered around.»

Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld(choreographer):”This was such a nice opportunity on many levels.As a person who collaborated many time with ligh and sound designers and as most of the time I would not have the money to pay them Properly I would shorten the time we worked together.To enter a studio while a musician is just warming up and spend some hours in discussions about light design and to inspire eachother and merge ideas was truly priceless.The quality of work increases and it is a different environment to dig into the research.We managed to slow down time a bit and that is so precious.”

Nives Soldičić(performer):”As I come
From circus background and work a lot on one person or two persons shows,it was a truly great opportunity for me to be surrounded by so many different people and learn from eachother.My selfconfidence found a new place and it is a pleasure to move in that way.I was also grateful to welcome everyone in our local and share this work with family and close friends.”
Download the detailed report in the upper right column.

18.04.22 - 25.04.22


supported/organized by Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia