Vania Vaneau - Nebula

Vania Vaneau - Nebula

In Nebula, Vania Vaneau approaches the human body-nature relationship as the meeting of force fields in a post-apocalyptic context.

In a kind of archaeology of the future, Nebula questions what other relationships to time, craft, soil, and chimeras could emerge to draw a new cosmogony. What mutations and hybridizations could come out of chaos?

With the collaboration of visual artist and scenographer Célia Gondol, Vania Vaneau centers her research on the relation between metamorphosis, apparitions, materials, and gestures, that are at once archaic and telluric. It is about revealing the original state of the elements, creating healing rituals, fertilizing the space, and exploring notions of catharsis and ecstasy.

Nebula is also a crossing into the unknown, a moment of eclipse to glimpse at other possible worlds. Here, the future and the past meet, time flows in a spiral leading us to a “prehistoric science-fiction”.

Nebula is a solo, created in two versions: one for natural and outdoor spaces  and one for indoor spaces.

Choreography and performance Vania Vaneau
Célia Gondol
Music Nico Devos and Pénélope Michel  (Puce Moment/ Cercueil)
Lighting Abigail Fowler
Stage manager Gilbert Guillaumond
Thanks to Kotomi Nishiwaki, Melina Faka, Julien Quartier – Atelier De facto
Video Nebula, creation in process, realised by par Vincent Laisney
Production Arrangement Provisoire
Coproduction ICI – CCN of Montpellier-Occitanie and Stuk- Louvain with Life Long Burning, project supported by the european commission, centre chorégraphique national of Caen in Normandie, dans le cadre de l’Accueil-studio, Programme Nomades of Nos Lieux communs (Extension Sauvage, Format danse and A domicile), Slow danse with le CCN de Nantes, Les SUBS, Lyon ; Charleroi Danse, choreographic center of Wallonie – Bruxelles ; Le Gymnase – CDCN Roubaix and La Chambre d’eau.
Support Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Aide au projet) ; L’Essieu du Batut (Aveyron) ; La Briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne

Vania Vaneau - Nebula - outdoor version

26.06.22 - 26.06.22

Scènes Croisées de Lozère (FR)


Vania Vaneau - Nebula - outdoor version

24.06.22 - 24.06.22

Festival Extension Sauvage (FR)


Vania Vaneau - Nebula - outdoor version

08.06.22 - 08.06.22

Atelier de Paris CDCN, Festival June Events (FR)


Vania Vaneau - Nebula - indoor version

07.06.22 - 07.06.22

Atelier de Paris CDCN, Festival June Events


Vania Vaneau - Nebula - outdoor version

02.06.22 - 02.06.22

Danse à tous les étages, Brest (FR)


workshop lab with Vania Vaneau

16.05.22 - 17.05.22

MDT Stockholm (SE)


Vania Vaneau - Nebula - coproduction, presentation and workshop experience

14.05.22 - 14.05.22

Leuven (BE)


Vania Vaneau - Nebula - indoor version

30.03.22 - 30.03.22

Le Gymnase, Roubaix (FR)


Vania Vaneau - Nebula - outdoor version

25.03.22 - 25.03.22

Festival Chaos Danse, Villeurbanne (FR)


Vania Vaneau - Nebula - indoor version

23.03.22 - 23.03.22

Au Pacifique avec la MC2, Grenoble (FR)


Vania Vaneau - Nebula - indoor version

15.02.22 - 16.02.22

ICI-CCN de Montpellier (FR)


Vania Vaneau - Nebula - indoor version

08.02.22 - 08.02.22

estival ICI&LA, La place de la danse CDCN Toulouse et le Ring (FR)


Premiere indoor Vania Vaneau - Nebula

30.11.21 - 04.12.21

Les Subs, Lyon


Vania Vaneau - Nebula

18.09.21 - 18.09.21

Festival Constellations, Toulon, France


Vania Vaneau - Nebula

09.09.21 - 09.09.21

Festival Danse en mai en septembre – l’Empreinte, Scène Nationale Brive-Tulle – À la Métairie des Arts à Saint-Pantaléon-de-Larche


Vania Vaneau - Nebula

03.09.21 - 03.09.21

Passages Transfestival, Metz


Vania Vaneau - Nebula

28.08.21 - 28.08.21

Festival A Domicile – Guissény, France


residency and coproduction Vania Vaneau

06.07.21 - 09.07.21

ICI-CCN de Montpellier


Vania Vaneau - Nebula

03.07.21 - 03.07.21

Festival Format Danse Ardèche, France


Premiere outdoor Vania Vaneau - Nebula

25.06.21 - 25.06.21

Extension Sauvage Festival

supported/organized by ICI – CCN de Montpellier

