PSR Tala to-gether / za-jedno

PSR Tala to-gether / za-jedno

The movie “Tala/to-gether“ was shown in the frame of the re-opening of the Dance centre Tala on Monday, September 27, 2021. at 8 pm, It was an occasion to introduce the new space to the scene and open a conversation on the topic of the space that Tala as an organisation has held and still holds in the independent scene in Croatia. In the new space of PC Tala (Radnička cesta 27), there was a screening and an open discussion in relation to the movie « TALA/to-gether » and an event hosted by Tamara Curic and Aleksandra Janeva Imfeld .
As most people from the scene know, TALA has been hosting artists from Croatia and the abroad for many years through its residency program and providing them with space for the realization of projects as well to present their work through their festival- “Platforma HR.”. This was an occasion to acknowledge that the new space will offer more than that, given that it will have a performance hall in the near future as well. It was also an opened invitation to join forces and approach the new Tala space as a community that will get self-organized and can share the responsibility and care of the space and therefor the use of it as well.

In the intense year of 2020 Tala celebrated two decades of action, imagination, struggle, effort, sweat, perseverance, enthusiasm, commitment. This gathering and the movie itself are dedicated to everyone who went through their centre, who touched them, advised, collaborated, danced, and created with them. This opportunity to meet live finally after a year of very restricted occasions was a necessary step to thank the people who contributed to the movie and who are main actors in the scenes. There for this meeting was a very good place to open up many topics in relation to space and structure provided in Zagreb from the side of the Ministry of culture and the Culture department of the city. It points to the lack of support regarding space to rehears and present work and non-existing structures for post-productions of such projects.

This movie is a way to document and archive the exhaustion of two cultural workers that had to invent their own ways of supporting their colleagues and invest from different earnings to provide the space to work for other colleagues. This kind of discussion is necessary in order to bring attention to the generosity of some dancers/choreographers who also except the work that needs to be done in a production.

There are not many producers and managers in the field of contemporary dance in Croatia-most of festivals and performances are organised and curated by the dance artists themselves which can often be unpaid as well and can lead to serious burnouts and lack of quality time in their own artistic works.

The organiser of the event was Nomad dance academy Croatia in collaboration with Antisezona and Dance centre Tala.

27.09.21 - 27.09.22

Tala Dance Center Zagreb (HR)

supported/organized by Kik Melone
