PSR Darde Del

PSR Darde Del

Within the framework of Performance Situation Room of Life Long Burning, Uferstudios had the possibility to allow a safe space workshop for the diaspora-Iranian artistic community within the Berliner performing art scene. The workshop facilitated an artist meeting and workshop on protesting bodies and protest as social choreography and accompanied activism with aesthetic means. The workshop, led by Modjgan Hashemian, invited artists with biographical heritage in Iran, now based in the contemporary dance scene of Berlin, along with other artists of Iranian decent coming from music, sculpture and stage design. Nine artists attended the workshop after registration. Together they envisioned and prepared a gathering of choreographed and dramaturgically formed ways of assembly, protest and relief. During the workshop the Berlin artists also collaborated online and via phone and chat connections with artists based in Iran. These artists shared their actual situation, informed of restrictions and impossibilities of artistic work at the moment and expressed hope, sorrow and needs of support to prolong their protest. The live present artists developed shared and choreographed formats of solidarity, drafted different gathering stations (voice messages to be listened to, writing/drawing stations for notes of solidarity, music relief circles) and designed the build of a sculpture, listing all names of killed or vanished protesters in Iran: Parts of the results of the workshop were brought into live at different street demonstrations later on, as well as forming a local sharing for a general audience at Heizhaus, Uferstudios, called Darde Del: a format in which sorrow, grief, protest and mediation were physically and aesthetically expressed and shared with a solidary audience.

Due to the sensitive topic and in order not to endanger the participants, the workshop was held as safe space. Details of contents and names shall not be displayed.

27.11.22 - 27.11.22

Uferstudios Berlin

supported/organized by Uferstudios