PSR Antisezona21 Black Box Sessions

PSR Antisezona21 Black Box Sessions

Performance Situation Room -  Close encounters of dance kind  /

11.11. 2021. / Antisezona 21 Black Box Sessions /

Cultural Center Travno, Zagreb / 21:30h


Silvia Marchig, Willy Prager, Sonja Pregrad, Iva Nerina Sibila, Iva Sveshtarova

Close Encounters of the Dance Kind is a hybrid format which balances between being an interview, a performance, a dialogue about methodologies of work and a private conversation. Artists, in front of an audience, transform talk about their artistic practices into short improvisational situations. Close Encounters are following the themes of ANTISEZONA’s blocks, as live events: physically in the venue, online or as a hybrid form, bringing together artists from different fields, sometimes in smaller group (2 or 3) or larger (up to 13), which usually ends up in more performative format, as a full length performance.


This edition of Close encounters of dance kind  is  taking place in the autumn block of Antisezona 21 named Black Box Sessions. The encounter will happen with the participation of Croatian dance artists and co-curators of Antisezona, Silvia Marchig, Sonja Pregrad and Iva Nerina Sibila, with their guests from Sofia, Iva Sveshtarova and Willy Prager after their performance Made for Happiness. With a lot of unpredictability and loose score, meandering through talking, dancing, performing, thinking, asking, answering, intuiting, sensing and imagining, participants will in front of the audience, open space for new possibilities and performative (mis)understandings.

This will also be an opportunity for Croatian audiences and artists to get to know about the festival Antistatic led by Sveshtarova, Prager and Shtereff and the Bulgarian dance scene, so it will enhance possibilities of future collaborations and exchanges. 

11.11.21 - 11.11.21

at KUC Travno, Zagreb, in frames of ANTISEZONA November block

supported/organized by Kik Melone