Wild Card workshop participation Ellen Soderhult led by Jennifer Lacey and Wally Cardona based on their project "The Set Up"
Life Long Burning WILD CARDS is part of the European project Life Long Burning, developed and organized by a network of twelve partner institutions (4Culture/RO, CCN Montpellier/FR, Cullberg Ballet/SE, danceWEB/AT, Het Veem Theater/NL, Lokomotiva/MK, Station/RS, Tala Dance Center/HR, Uferstudios/DE, Ultima Vez/BE, Workshop Foundation/HU, workspacebrussels/BE).
The program aims at fostering the transnational circulation of artistic development and the further education in the field of contemporary dance and choreographic research. It consists of residencies, choreographic researches with established companies as well as scholarships for further education for emerging choreographers and professional dancers.
In the frame of the Life Long Burning Wild Cards, CCN Montpellier (France) is offering the following to its Wild Card partner Cullberg Ballet (Sweden): The Set Up is a series of 8 full-length dances by Jennifer Lacey and Wally Cardona and 8 international masters of existent dance forms. Each dance displaces contemporary practice by living temporarily within a distinct tradition of mastery. Initiated in 2012, the development of the series is evolving over a 5-year long practice of “embodiment”, grounded in a pedagogical and performance-based process. The series’ construction is a recurring re-examination of habitual aesthetic valuations, both physical and conceptual. It is purposefully designed to confront belief systems that are knowingly, and unknowingly, transferred from body to body, culture to culture, generation to generation. Choreographers Wally Cardona and Jennifer Lacey share an interest in undoing tendencies toward certainty in art. Five years ago, they started down a path of discussing/doing/dancing with non-dance-specialists, including an astrophysicist, a sommelier, a social activist, an architect, a medical supply salesman and others. The end result was TOOL IS LOOT (2010), made with composer Jonathan Bepler. They now continue this discussing/doing/dancing - around context, meaning, purpose, value and need – with dance experts, in The Set Up. This workshop is part of the exerce MA program dedicated, for the two first months, to that issue : How do you prepare ? This Wild Card covers: - Costs of international travel to Montpellier - Accomodations - Per diem - Educational cost For a maximum of 2.500 euros all included. Cullberg Ballet chose the Swedish artist Ellen Söderhult for this slot. |
03.11.15 - 13.11.15
Montpellier, France