Wild Card slots in danceWEB 2016 Lynda Rahal, Elena Risteska, Irina Gheorghe
For the Wild Card exchanges 2016, danceWEB teamed up with the co-organisers CCN Montpellier, Lokomotiva and 4Culture and offered them a slot in the danceWEB Scholarship Programme 2016.
Additionally to the benefits of a participation in the further training program for contemporary dance and performance, danceWEB covers the required 1/3 of the scholarship expenses and the travel costs of the Wild Card nominees.
After an national wide open call, the co-organiser nominated the following dancers for the slots:
+ Lynda Rahal (France)
+ Elena Risteska (Macedonia)
+ Irina Gheorghe (Romania)
Read everything about the danceWEB Scholarship Programme >>HERE
and check the participant's experience reports >>HERE
13.07.16 - 17.08.16
Vienna, Austria
supported/organized by Danceweb