Wild Card slots in danceWEB 2016 Lynda Rahal, Elena Risteska, Irina Gheorghe

Wild Card slots in danceWEB 2016 Lynda Rahal, Elena Risteska, Irina Gheorghe

For the Wild Card exchanges 2016, danceWEB teamed up with the co-organisers CCN Montpellier, Lokomotiva and 4Culture and offered them a slot in the danceWEB Scholarship Programme 2016.
Additionally to the benefits of a participation in the further training program for contemporary dance and performance, danceWEB covers the required 1/3 of the scholarship expenses and the travel costs of the Wild Card nominees.
After an national wide open call, the co-organiser nominated the following dancers for the slots:
+ Lynda Rahal (France)
+ Elena Risteska (Macedonia)
+ Irina Gheorghe (Romania)

Read everything about the danceWEB Scholarship Programme >>HERE
and check the participant's experience reports >>HERE

13.07.16 - 17.08.16

Vienna, Austria

supported/organized by Danceweb