Wild Card Showing Vera Tussing "The Palm Of Your Hand"

Wild Card Showing Vera Tussing "The Palm Of Your Hand"

In the frame of the Life Long Burning Wild Cards, Ultima Vez (BE) selected the artist Vera Tussing for a residency at the CCN Montpellier Languedoc Roussillon

When: 19. - 30. January 2015

 CCN Montpellier Languedoc Roussillon, France

In the frame of this Wild Card residency, Vera Tussing works on her recent project "The Palm of Your Hand".


On January 30, she presents a showing of "The Palm Of Your Hand" at the CCN.

Vera Tussing graduated from London Contemporary Dance School, and has worked as a choreographer and dancer throughout the UK, Belgium and Europe. In her work, she studies the questions regarding perception and intimacy and looks for new ways of displacing the audience, both mentally and physically.

Coproduction (Indoor Version)

23.04.16 - 23.04.16

CC Hasselt (Belgium)


Coproduction (Indoor Version)

10.03.16 - 10.03.16

Stadttheater Mainz (DE)


Coproduction (Indoor Version)

09.12.15 - 09.12.15

Bâtard Festival Amsterdam (NL)


Coproduction (Indoor Version)

13.10.15 - 14.10.15

The Place, London / UK


Premiere Co-production (Indoor Version)

06.10.15 - 07.10.15

STUK, Leuven, BE


Premiere Coproduction (Outdoor Version)

13.09.15 - 13.09.15

Season Opening, de Warande, Turnhout (BE)


Try Out - Coproduction

09.07.15 - 09.07.15

Casa Elizalde, Barcelona (ES)


Wild Card Showing Vera Tussing

30.01.15 - 30.01.15

CCN Montpellier


Wild Card residency at CCN Montpellier for Vera Tussing

19.01.15 - 30.01.15

CCN Montpellier


Research Sharing

13.12.14 - 13.12.14

Working Title Platform #08, Brussels, BE

supported/organized by CCN Montpellier

