Wild Card residencies "participating in the `Month of Research`"
Wild Card Exchanges hosted by Uferstudios Berlin with workspacebrussels (BE), Lokomotiva (MK), Station (RS), Veem House for Performance (NL):
Yen Chin-Lin sent by workspacebrussels (BE)
Viktorjia Ilioska sent by Lokomotiva (MK)
Marko Pejovic sent by Station (RS)
Isadora Tomasi sent by Veem House for Performance (NL)
From 14 August until 10 September, Uferstudios together with its partners and artists involved launched the “Month of Research”, a period of time entirely dedicated to collective research. The “Month of Research” follows the idea of gathering, sharing, openness and enquiry and offers the opportunity to experience the joy and the challenge of collective research. Within this “Month of Research”, they implemented Uferstudios' module of Critical Practice as a meta-research on the “Month of Research” itself, offering inputs and tools of reflection, analysis and exchange and experimenting with formats of verbalization, writing and depicting as modes of critical reflection and documentation of research processes and results.
The research topics were found and chosen by the artists who handed in a proposal. The research inquiries are already structurally conceived as collective research. Structure and workflow of the researches are elaborated in self-organization by the participating research groups. They give themselves their own rules, a working method, an organizational structure, including timeline, format and intensity. The only request is to publish and documenting the research outcome or their followed traces at one point, while the timing, format, structure or form of such a publication is matter of the group – it can include showings, writings, digital, visual, physical or oral formats.
The Wild Card artist are choosing from one of these research fields:
Proposal 1 – Wedding 2000
Proposal 2 – Boris Charmatz
Proposal 3 – Research in Performing
Proposal 4 – Investigation New Ways of Events of Improvisation
Proposal 5 – Swarm (Schwarm)
Proposal 6 – Awaiting Rooms (Harrende Räume)
Proposal 7 – Leaving Behind
Proposal 8 – What Do We Read
Proposal 9 – Anglais Assimil
Proposal 10 – Good
Proposal 11 – Football and Choreography: a Collective Game
Proposal 12 – Shifting Memories
Proposal 13 – Sharing and Shaping Time
Proposal 14 – Intra Activity
Proposal 15 – Activism, Healing and Movement
Proposal 16 – radical and knowing it: text, movement, comedy
Proposal 17 – Critical Practice – Researching the Month of Research
14.08.17 - 10.09.17
Uferstudios Berlin (DE)