Wild Card research residency for Esta Matkovic (HR) during the festival LABO* Stockholm, Sweden

Wild Card research residency for Esta Matkovic (HR) during the festival LABO* Stockholm, Sweden

Artists : Esta Matkovic (HR)
Description: Upon recommendation by the co-organizer Tala Dance, Zagreb, Croatia, Cullberg Ballet invited Esta Matkovic for a weeks residency to follow the festival LABO* Stockholm and create a blog. During the residency, Cullberg Ballet offered lodging in a central apartment hotel, individual local travel cards, tickets to all performances and plus all workshops. Cullberg Ballet also covered the travel costs and per diem. It was decided by the management of Cullberg Ballet and the curator of LABO* Stockholm to not publish the blog due to a conflict that arouse between the artist and the curator during the residency. Though the artist had the right to publish the blog independently, which can be found at: https://estamatkovic.blogspot.com/

14.04.19 - 21.04.18

Stockholm (SE)

supported/organized by Cullberg Ballet
