Wild Card presentation "S T E P I N T I M E" by bodylotion co.dance
The piece is a duet of two female dancers focusing on capturing the invisible change in time.
How do we perceive the change in a process? Is there a graspable moment? Do we only recognise the result of change? What helps to realise it? On others, ourselves, in our lives? How can we be present in the process of transformation?
The piece puts shortened fragments of time into movement, building a sequence from small details. The most permanent characteristic of the piece is constant change.
The form is minimalist, functional, undecorated.
The basic instant of movement that creates the basic instant of time is one step. By repetition it becomes walking. By little alterations of the tempo and quality of the steps the walking becomes all different sorts of motion: marching, running, jumping, changing also the character of the performers, that creates a ground for association to the viewer. Through following the constantly changing repetition of steps the audience can experience and reflect on their own perception of time.
The other main theme of the piece is synchronicity. The two performers hold each others‘s hands through the whole length of the performance, working with the same principles and changing together, at the same time. Emphasising thus the details of movement and individual differences.
bodylotion co-dance
ARANY Virág - HADI Júlia
Music/Zene: Sőrés Zsolt
Light/Fény: Pete Orsolya
Production Partner/Produkciós partner: Katlan Csoport
The piece was developed in the frame of the Wild Card residency at Ultima Vez studios Brussels.