Prix Jardin d'Europe Award Ceremony 2017

Prix Jardin d'Europe Award Ceremony 2017

In 2017, the following productions were nominated for the Casinos Austria Prix Jardin d'Europe:

Samira Elagoz “Cock, Cock…Who’s there!

Rachel Young created and performed with Dwayne Antony “OUT"

Ola Maciejewksa: “Bombyx Mori” 

Costas Kekis, Petr Ochvat, Anna Prokopova “It beats soft in the veins”  

Gaetan Rusquet “As we were moving ahead occasionally we saw brief glimpses of beauty (in process) 

Claire Viviane Sobottke “Strange Songs"

Oneka von Schrader “Panda Express” 

Joao Martins & Cyrique Villemaux “Autointitulado”

The jury consisting of Gurur Ertem (Istanbul), Philipp Gehmacher (Vienna) and Inge Koks (Amsterdam) announced the winner of the Prix Jardin d'Europe, endowed with €10.000,- and an artistic residency at ImPulsTanz festival 2018 during the Award Ceremony, moderated by Florentina Holzinger and Dirk Sterman:

(NL/FI) for the piece Cock, Cock.. Who’s There?

In their statement, the jury stated the following:

... one piece, in particular, got under our skin and kept returning to us. The issues it raised and dealt with did not settle on a closure either in the work itself or in our discussions. Through a skillful interweaving of multiple genres such as live performance, creative documentary, and docu-fiction, Cock, Cock Who’s There? by Samira Elagoz performs a series of unsettling, thought-provoking boundary-crossings. In its investigation on the longing for intimacy and connection, it traverses the gray spaces between violence and intimacy; reality and fiction; life and art; the public and the private; victimhood and agency, and between and within the multiple roles one embodies.

Beyond the jury’s prize, the general public and community of fans had the chance to reward the most interesting, meanest, most humorous, charming or perhaps morose video clips, created individually by the [8:tension] artists, with the FM4 Fan Award. The voting took place online between 13th July and 12th August on the ImPulsTanz website.

The artist with the most votes and thus the winner of the FM4 Fan Award 2017 is the German choreographer and performer CLAIRE VIVIANNE SOBOTTKE.

View the FM4 FAN AWARD videos >>here

13.08.17 - 13.08.17

Kasino am Schwarzengerplatz, Vienna (AT)

supported/organized by Danceweb
