PREMIERE Co-production "The most human" by Robin Jonsson

PREMIERE Co-production "The most human" by Robin Jonsson

Ludvig Daae is a Norwegian human dancer who grew up in Nesbyen and Alex is a humanoid robot-dancer who grew up at IDA at Linköping University. Led by choreographer Robin Jonsson and Robot developer Fredrik Löfgren, they are presented equally but according to their own unique capacities in a dancy piece that investigates human-ness, presence and authenticity.

The work reflects the radical transformation of society, especially in the service-industry, the heavy industry and healthcare, where robots have taken over people’s jobs, but where they also to a great extent collaborate with humans. In The most human, a robot replaces a human dancer and collaborates with another. The robot is humanoid, intelligent and autonomous and influences the work process and the finished result.

The work builds on Robin’s earlier project Simulations and others where virtual bodies from video games were simulated on stage by human dancers, aiming to shed light on the human.

Concept, choreography: Robin Jonsson. Performers: Ludvig Daae and Alex. Robot Developer: Fredrik Löfgren. Producer: Sara Bergsmark. Costume design: Tove Berglund. Sound design: Siri Jennefelt. Lighting design: Johan Sundén. Technician: Björn Kuajara. Co-produced by Turneslingan Tre Scener (MDT, Atalante and Dansstationen), The Cullberg Balett through the European Network Life Long Burning and Köttinspektionen. In collaboration with Department of Computer and Information Science at University of Linköping. Supported by The Swedish Arts Council, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, The Municipality of Stockholm and The City of Stockholm.  A part of the project  [DNA] Departures and Arrivals.

PREMIERE Co-production

16.05.18 - 19.05.18

MDT Stockholm (SE)

supported/organized by Cullberg Ballet