"POST DANCE" Dance Conference Stockholm
Under the initiative of Danjel Andersson (artistic director of MDT, a venue for experimental/contemporary dance in Stockholm), Gabriel Smeets (artistic director of Cullberg Ballet in Stockholm) and Andre Lepecki (professor at Stockholm University of the Arts) forces are joined to organize a conference titled POST DANCE, at the venue MDT in Stockholm in October 2015.
The theme of the conference is POST DANCE - beyond the kinesthetic experience and back.
The conference wants to be an opportunity to really find time and space to reflect on the developments and forces that have shaped choreographic imagination from the 1960s up to today.
The conference is envisioned as oscillating between moments where guest speakers would make more focused interventions (keynotes) and then longer sessions throughout the day of more informal debates and roundtables.
The conference wants to bring together approx. 300 artists, theorists, students, teachers, curators for these 3 days to discuss dance from the sixties till now.
The idea is to make a book under the same title from all lectures, debates, interventions during the conference. A smaller group of the participants will form an editorial board that will decide on the content and form of the book that will be launched in 2017.
Speakers: Adrian Heathfield, Mette Ingvartsen, Mårten Spångberg, Bojana Kunst, André Lepecki, Samlingen (collective of choreographers: Amanda Apetrea, Nadja Hjorton, Stina Nyberg,Halla Ólafsdóttir and Zoë Poluch), Jefta van Dinther, Florentina Holzinger, Jens Östberg, Ivana Müller, Mette Edvardsen, Francois Chaignaud, Manuel Pelmus, Cecilia Bengolea, Andros Zins-Browne, Jonathan Burrows, Hooman Sharifi, Poste Restante, Charlotte Vandevyver, Ofelia Jarl Ortega, Siegmar Zacharias, Benjamin Vandewalle, Antonia Baehr, Martina Rushsam, Myriam van Imschoot and Erna Òmarsdóttir.
Detailed plan of the activities
9.45-10.00 Intro (Andre Lepecki, Gabriel Smeets, Danjel Andersson)
10.00 – 10.45 Jonathan Burrows
11.00-12.30 Pushing the boundaries, or: choreography and its expanded fields.
Moderator: Andre Lepecki/ Francois Chaignaud & Cecilia Bengolea, Florentina Holzinger, Ofelia Jarl Ortega
Lunch 12.30-14.00
14.00-14.55 Mette Ingvartsen
15.00-16.30 Choreography, dance and institutional critique, or: what is support in a postdance environment? Moderator: Adrian Heathfeild / Jens Östberg, Erna Omarsdottir, Hooman Sharifi, Jonathan Burrows
16.30-17.00 Wrap up: Mårten Spångberg
10.00-10.55 Bojana Kunst
11.00-12.30 Imagination/Speculation, or: how/where/when to materialize dances in “creative capitalism”? Moderator Andre Lepecki/Mette Edvardsen, Antonia Baehr, Myriam van Imschoot
Lunch 12.30-14.00
14.00-14.55 Samlingen (Stina Nyberg, Amanda Apetrea, Halla Olafsdottir, Zoë Poluch, Nadja Hjorton)
15.00-16.30 Politics and its (im)mobilizations, or: what really matters when what matters is dancing? Moderator Bojana Kunst/ Zoë Poluch, Jefta van Dinther, Charlotte Vandevyver
16.30-17.00 Wrap up: Adrian Heathfield
10.00-10.55 Mårten Spångberg
11.00-12.30 The future of participation, or: from emancipated spectators to actionist
artists. Moderator: Bojana Kunst/ Poste Restante (Linn Hilda Lamberg), Benjamin Vandevalle, Martina Ruhsam
Lunch 12.30-14.00
14.00-14.55 Adrian Heathfield
15.00-16.30 Ecology-Economy, or: how to make for ourselves an environment? Moderator: Adrian Heathfield
Andros Zins-Browne, Manuel Pelmus, Siegmar Zacharias
16.30-17.00 Wrap up: Andre Lepecki
The conference was also documented by live video streaming service provider Bambuser and was available for 30 days after the event on http://bambuser.com/channel/Riksteatern. As presented on Bambuser, the conference was divided to 15 clips. 1134 people streamed the conference live and the total number of views were approx. 6200. A detailed overview of views of each clip is presented below, statistics are rounded up to the highest number;
Part 1: 1000 views, Part 2: 800 views, Part 3: 550 views, Part 4: 700 views, Part 5: 350 views, Part 6: 500 views, Part 7: 250 views, Part 8: 350 views,Part 9: 200 views, Part 10: 500 views, Part 11: 200 views, Part 12: 250 views, Part 13: 100 views, Part 14: 250 views, Part 15: 200 views
To summerise the « Post Dance » conference braught many questions to light that within this context could only touched upon. It became aparent that there is a need and want for more discorse of this nature with in the multifacited genere of dance. It was discused that there should be a follow up conference to continue the discusions that were started during the conference. Though a date has not yet been fixed.
14.10.15 - 16.10.15
MDT Stockholm, Sweden