Performance Situation Room Raimund Hoghe "Songs For Takashi"
In this new piece, I would like to continue my cooperation with the Japanese dancer Takashi Ueno; he has become one of my most important dancers in recent years. His unusually powerful stage presence and poetry of movement could already be admired in my pieces „Si je meurs laissez le balcon ouvert“, „Pas de Deux“, „Cantatas“ and most recently as a guest in „An Evening with Judy“. In the new piece I would like to place Takashi Ueno in a connection to music from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The music from this period, which stems from Spain, will be sung by Victoria de los Angeles (as a recording). The idea for this unusual combination arose during the rehearsals for my last piece, “Quartet”.
Rehearsals for „Songs for Takashi“ took place in Montpellier and Lyon during spring 2015 ; the premiere took place in the fall of 2015.
Songs for Takashi is a performance presented in the frame of eXplore festival #10 with the support of Goethe Institut Bucharest.
The performance will be followed by a conference lead by Raimund Hoghe, in the frame of Performance Situation Room.