"In The Blind Spot" by Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir

"In The Blind Spot" by Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir

Direction, Choreography, Costume, Set design: Margret Sara Guðjónsdóttir
Performer: Angela Schubot
Music: Peter Rehberg
Light: Martin Beeretz
Company management, PR: björn & björn
Thanks go to: Zohar Frank

CO-PRODUCTION: SOPHIENSÆLE, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, CDC Uzès Danse, Theater Freiburg, Schwankhalle Bremen and ImPulsTanz Wien, MDT Stockholm.
-Funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds. Supported by Tanzfabrik Berlin and ada Studio.


"In the Blind Spot" takes the notion of letting go as it´s starting point and leads the body to the edge of collapse and utter surrendering. It strives to transform the supposed weakness of the spent body into something positive and celebrate it as the refusal of the achievement imperative, the fullness of its fragility revealing the unseen location of the non-resistant resistance. "In the Blind Spot" expounds a very physical movement language, extracting the usual limits of identity and (self) assertion by its very softness. With limitless non-aggression it reveals and provokes simultaneously. The performance "In the Blind Spot" belongs to the "Blind Spotting Performance Series", launched in 2014 by Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir. It is simultaneously the first part of Angela Schubot's 2015 solo trilogy "Körper ohne Macht" (Powerless Bodies). The project radically puts the singular body as the centrepiece. As if under a magnifying glass, hidden insides are brought to light.

02.06.15 - 03.06.15

Sophiensäle Berlin, DE

supported/organized by Cullberg Ballet