Critical Practice Session in Bucharest

Critical Practice Session in Bucharest

Critical debate with Astrid Kaminski
Laura Stefanut – journalist
Larisa Crunteanu – artist,
Colette Sadler – choreographer, 
Simona Deaconescu – choreographer,
Andreea Capitanescu – artistic director and approx. 20 other persons professionals and public


Berlin based dance critic Astrid Kaminski visited Bucharest on October 25-27, 2014, through an exchange with the LLB partner Uferstudios.

The meeting on October 25th took place within the Critical Practice activity of Life Long Burning, and had the following themes of discussions:

- short introduction on the cultural contexts and dance scenes from Berlin and Bucharest,

- Astrid introduced to the participants her idea of a blog where young journalists could write about the different festivals they are visiting in Europe,

- Another topic was referring to the increasing number of performances including non-professionals and the approach of social topics in performing arts,

- Critical writing in performance art – a need or an obligation, the role and use of critical writing in dance and performance art.


The dialogue with Astrid Kaminski and the local artists and journalists was followed by the performance "Domestic Products" presented within the program of eXplore festival 2014, as a special section called "Stage & Playground" dedicated to young audience.


The participants at the Critical Practice meeting were: Laura Ștefănuț (journalist and researcher of "Domestic Products"), Andreea Căpitănescu / 4Culture, Astrid Kaminski / journalist Berlin, Alexandra Balasoiu, dancer, Simona Deaconescu, choreographer, dancer & film director, Maxwell McCarthy (performer and choreographer), Colette Sadler (performer and choreographer), Caroline Grosjean (choreographer & dancer - wild card residency artist in Bucharest, in exchange with CCN Montpellier), Mathieu Heyraud (choreographer & dancer - wild card residency artist in Bucharest, in exchange with CCN Montpellier), Geo Scripcariu, PR expert, Larisa Crunteanu (performer and curator at Atelier 35, Bucharest), and others 10 assisting persons.

25.10.17 - 27.10.17


supported/organized by 4Culture