Co-production "Saga" by Jonathan Capdevielle

Co-production "Saga" by Jonathan Capdevielle

Actor, puppeteer, ventriloquist, dancer and singer, Jonathan Capdevielle is a unconventional multitalented artist. Known for his collaborations with Gisèle Vienne, he created his first own show in 2009 Adishatz/Adieu.

This work is a self-portrait shaped by a blend of sung material and imitation, combining pop culture, as well as his roots and family stories. Drawing on the self-fiction style, it is a sort of confessional documentary that highlights a character’s wanderings between real life and fantasy/dream life, touching in a very universal manner.

In Saga, his next project, Jonathan Capdevielle will open new chapters of the autobiographical stories, continuing to deal with this mysterious lines between fiction and reality, present and past.

He has decided to explore the family, a highly recurrent theme in the theatre and literature, in his new play. And not just any family: his own! Its history has been shaken by misfortunes sometimes akin to tragedy. Continuing with his work on autofiction, Jonathan Capdevielle draws on theatre and dance to stage this "family saga" of the Nineties. Based on his memories and interviews, audio documents and videos collected from his family circle, Capdevielle revisits his past in the form of a docu-fiction and conveys the simultaneously euphoric, playful, dark and melancholic character of these dramatised episodes of life.

Conception & direction : Jonathan Capdevielle
Performer : Jonathan Capdevielle
and (cast in process) 2 performers on stage
Light : Patrick Riou
Sound & video (in process)
Dramaturgy (in process)
Scenography (in process)
Executive producer : Bureau Cassiopée
Production, distribution, administration : Bureau Cassiopée
Coproduction (in process) : Le Parvis scène nationale Tarbes Pyrénées, L’Arsenic-Lausanne, Théâtre des Salins- Martigues, Latitudes contemporaines, BIT Teatergarasjen-Bergen (NO)…


Contact : Léonor Baudouin – Email leonor(at)


29.03.16 - 31.03.16

Montpellier Danse, Théâtre la Vignette



11.06.15 - 12.06.15

La Rose des vents, scène nationale Lille Métropole Villeneuve d'Asq, en coréalisation avec le Festival Latitudes contemporaines



12.05.15 - 13.05.15

Le Quartz - Scène nationale de Brest



04.03.15 - 07.03.15

Centre Pompidou Paris, FR


Premiere Co-production

23.02.15 - 24.02.15

le parvis - scène nationale tarbes pyrénées


WORK IN PROGRESS Co-production

27.11.14 - 27.11.14

studio bagouet, CCN Montpellier, France

supported/organized by CCN Montpellier

