Co-production "M.E.L.T. - Motion, Emotion and Lateral Thinking" by Valentina De Piante
Concept & Body research: Valentina De Piante Niculae
Performers: Vlad Benescu, Corina Tătărău, Eliza Trefaș
Dramaturgical support: Krõõt Juura
Sound research: Eduard Gabia
Co-production: 4Culture, WASP – Working Art Space and Production, Life Long Burning
With the support of: UNATC “I.L. Caragiale”, Istituto Italiano di Cultura “Vito Grasso” – Bucarest
“M.E.L.T – Motion, Emotion, Lateral Thinking” is part of the “CQ Project”, financed by ARCUB and Bucharest City Hall, within `EȘTI BUCUREȘTI` cultural programme.
The texts used during the performance belong to Benoît Lachambre and are pieces from his interviews.
The performance creates an experiential open space between a series of key words and the body-mind which is ready to listen and trigger itself. M.E.L.T. is about a melting of ordinary thinking processes and a rediscovery of an intelligence of the body.
Analyzing the structures of the human body, I notice that body posture is the result of a long structuring process of the emotional and cognitive experiences into automatic patterns of actions. I observe, at same time, the break down of all these patterns. Starting from the connection between body, mind and emotion, from a neuro-scientific and trans-personal point of view, we use tools like observing, focusing on the body and its systems, on the recurring mental habits, dominant emotions and moods. All these aspects fuse together and give birth to new contradictions, overlaps and intersections of the mental, motional and emotional patterns. (Valentina de Piante)
Valentina De Piante Niculae is an Assistant Lector of Theatre and Performative Arts, a project coordinator, choreographer, researcher and performer. She has the ATM expertise in Feldenkrais®, a method which works with the reorganization of the neuromotor schemes. She is a teacher of choreographic writing and somatic education, giving lectures as a guest speaker within various academic and pedagogic research events. Valentina was part of TTT – Teaching The Teachers Bucharest(2009) and TTT Budapest(2013). In 2015, together with Phd. Neurologist Researcher, Radu Dop, and Phd. Psychologist Lecturer, Ovidiu Brăzdău, she organized lectures followed by intensive body practices. She was involved, as Romanian expert, in Tandem Dance, a European project dedicated to performers and visually impaired people.
11.11.16 - 11.11.16
Galeria Universității de Arte, Bucharest (RO)
21.10.16 - 21.10.16
eXplore dance festival #11 Bucharest (RO)
09.08.16 - 09.08.16
07.08.16 - 07.08.16
03.06.16 - 03.06.16
24.01.16 - 24.01.16
18.12.15 - 18.12.15
12.11.15 - 13.11.15
26.10.15 - 26.10.15
11.10.15 - 11.10.15
09.10.15 - 09.10.15
-PREMIERE Co-production
07.10.15 - 07.10.15