Doris Uhlich | AT
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"Let´s come together. What else?!
No seperation but cooperation, communication.
No stillstand but vibration.
No frustration but motivation.
Irritation has potential to become inspiration, stimulation.
The body is in the world, the world is in the body.
Let´s come together.
Contemporary hearts go boom, they meet in their variety soon.
During the danceWEB programme, international dancers, performers and choreographers live together in a collective and at the same time individual space of experience that is constantly moving. As danceWEB mentor I aim at a physical experience of the energy and the quality of this group body: building up, breaking down, exchanging and transferring energy. A “visionary dynamic” develops in a contemporary danceWORLD. What is more beautiful than that? Let’s come together!"
Doris Uhlich, herself a scholarship recipient in 2004, is one of the internationally most successful Austrian choreographers. She has been a regular guest as a teacher, performer and choreographer at ImPulsTanz and a very popular artist at festivals, theatres, schools and universities all over the world – from Toronto to Tokyo. Her unique artistic quality excels in the interplay of her methods, which she develops in workshops, her teaching practice as well as in her performances and choreographies. Since 2011, Uhlich has been questioning the significance and the freeing potential of nudity in her workshop series more than naked together with professional and non-professional dancers. Out of this emerged the same named stage work, which premiered at ImPulsTanz 2013 and has been touring internationally ever since – from Estonia to Israel – with an alternating, partly local cast. Her curiosity towards and her exceptional ability to work with all kind of different bodies appears in her teaching and choreographic practices. Besides professional dancers, amateurs and children, she also works with elderly people, for example in her workshop series Ruhestandstanz (55+), and most recently with disabled people in workshops and performances.